Door de jaren heen zijn onderstaande dansen gemaakt door leden van onze groep
Dansen gemaakt door Anne-Miek Klokgieters
J 1x96 | 1973 | |
J 1x96 | maart 1990 | |
R 4x32 | nov. 1990 | |
S 8x32 | nov. 1990 | |
R 8x32 | nov. 1990 | |
S 8x40 | feb. 1994 1995 | |
R 4x32 | juni 1994 | |
R 4x32 | sep. 1995 | |
R 4x48 | okt. 1995 | |
R 8x40 | aug. 1996 | |
R 1x64 | juli 1997 | |
R 8x32 | okt. 1997 | |
R 4x32 | okt. 2006 | |
R 1x88 | aug. 2007 | |
R 4x40 | sep. 2009 | |
R 4x32 | sep. 2014 | |
J 3x32 | jan. 2015 | |
R 8x32 | april 2016 | |
J 8x32 | juli 2016 | |
R 3x32 | dec. 2016 | |
M4x(32R32S) | aug. 2017 | |
R 8x32 | sep. 2019 | |
J 5x32 | nov. 2019 | |
S 8x32 | sept. 2022 | |
Roses on the Hill | R 8x32 | nov. 2023 |
The Golden Couple | R1x96 | jan. 2024 |
DELFT 50 YEARS (32-bar jig for five couples in a five-couple longwise set) | |
Bars | |
1 - 8 | 1st and 3rd couples lead down the middle for 3 bars, lead back to places and cast off one place finish facing first corners (2nd and 4th couples step up on bars 7-8) |
9 - 12 | 1st and 3rd couples dance a half diagonal reel of four with 1st corners |
13 - 16 | Repeat bars 9-12 with dancers in second corner position |
17 - 20 | Repeat bars 9-12 with dancers in third corner position and finish in the middle of the set (men facing down and women facing up) |
21 - 24 | 5th, 4th and 2nd couples chase clockwise halfway round the set while 1st and 3rd couples turn with right hand once round |
25 - 28 | 1st and 3rd man, followed by their partner, dance out the women side, behind 3rd and 5th women to 3rd and 5th places (4th and 5th couples step up on bars 27-28) |
29 - 32 | 2nd, 4th and 5th couples turn with right hand one and a half times |
Repeat from new positions | |
Dance devised for the Delft Branch on her 50th anniversary november 2019 by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague |
DELFT BRANCH BIKE RIDERS (32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set) | |
Bars | |
1 - 8 | 1st couple set, dance down, cast up round 3rd couple to places; 2nd couple repeat starting at bar 3; 3rd couple repeat starting at bar 5 |
9 - 12 | 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance half reels of three on own sides, 1st couple dance in and down to begin |
13 - 16 | 1st couple giving right hand, turn halfway and lead up to corners (2nd couple step down on bars 15-16) |
17 - 20 | 1st couple and first corners dance corners pass and turn |
21 - 24 | 1st couple and first corners dance corners pass and turn |
25 - 28 | 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples chase clockwise halfway round the set |
29 - 32 | 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples giving right hands turn one and a half times |
Repeat having passed a couple | |
Dance devised by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, september 2019 |
MACLOUIS IS READY FOR HIBERNATION (medley 32 bar reel and 32 bar strathspey for 3 couples in a 4 couple set) (suggested music: The Flag of St. Andrew) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st and 2nd couples set and link |
5 - 8 | 1st couple, giving both hands, turn once round to finish facing first corners |
9 - 12 | 1st couple dance a half reel of four with 1st corners |
13 - 16 | 1st couple dance a half reel of four with 2nd corners |
17 - 24 | 1st couple dance diagonal rights and lefts |
25 - 28 | 1st couple dance back to back |
29 - 32 | 1st couple, giving right hands, turn one and a half times |
Repeat in strathspey time | |
Dance devised for Louis Brijer on the occasion of his last workingday August 30, 2017, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. “Now the job is done, it’s time to sleep” Reel time: working life Strathspey time: time to rest |
80 BELLS FOR SANTA (32 bar reel for 3 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 2nd couple dance up to the top and cast off to 2nd place |
5 - 8 | 1st and 2nd couple dance right hands across |
9 - 12 | 2nd couple dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to 2nd place |
13 - 16 | 2nd and 3rd couple dance left hands across (2nd man finish facing 1st man with his partnerbehind him) |
17 - 20 | 2nd couple, in tandem, dance a half reel of three with 1st corners changing leader as they change direction |
21 - 24 | 2nd couple dance a half reel of three with 2nd corners (finish in 2nd place on opposite side) |
25 - 26 | 2nd couple turn with the right hand once round |
27 - 28 | 2nd couple cast off; 1st couple step up |
29 - 32 | 3rd,1st and 2nd couple, giving right hands, cross over and set |
Repeat with a new top couple | |
Dance devised for Dick Mackay, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, December 26, 2013 by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
AFKE’S FARWOL (32 bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off two places, 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4. |
5 - 8 | 1st couple, giving left hands, cross over and cast up one place |
9 - 12 | 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple dance right hands across once round, 1st couple passing by the right at the end |
13 - 16 | 1st man with 2nd couple and 1st woman with 3rd couple dance left hands across once round |
17 - 20 | 1st couple, giving right hands, turn once round |
21 - 24 | 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round to the left halfway |
25 - 28 | 1st couple, giving left hands, turn once round |
29 - 32 | 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance six hands round to the right halfway |
Repeat with a new top couple. | |
Dance devised for Afke Bergstra on her farewell to the Delft Branch of the RSCDS, after dancing for nearly 30 years. June 2016, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
30th of April (32 bar reel for 3 couples in a four couple longwise set) | |
Bars | |
1 - 8 | 1st couple turn right hand, cast off one place, while 2nd couple step up, turn left hand to finish on the sidelines |
9 - 16 | 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple dance right hands across once round, 1st couple passing by the right at the end. 1st man with 2nd couple and 1st woman with 3rd couple dance left hands across once round |
17 - 20 | 1st woman turn 2nd woman right hand, while 1st man turn 3rd man right hand |
21 - 24 | 1st woman turn 3rd woman left hand, while 1st man turn 2nd man left hand |
25 - 32 | 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back |
Repeat having passed a couple | |
Dance devised for Robert Al and Marta Rudolph on the occasion of their wedding April 30, 2016. Nov. 2016, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
THE THREE GUIRLANDES (32 bar reel for 3 couples in a four couple longwise set) | |
Bars | |
1 - 8 | 1st, 2nd and 3rd men dance right shoulder round partner, 3rd man followed by 2nd and 1st man dance down and back to own side (3,2,1) |
9 - 12 | 2nd couple dance a right shoulder half diagonal reel of four with the dancer in first corner position (passing partner left shoulder to start |
13 - 16 | passing partner by the left, they dance a right shoulder half diagonal reel of four with the dancer in second corner position. (Finish on opposite side in the order 3, 2, 1 for the women and 1, 2, 3 for the men) |
17 - 24 | 3rd ,2nd and 1st woman dance right shoulder round the person opposite, 1st woman followed by 2nd and 3rd woman dance down and back to the top (opposite side) |
25 - 32 | 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set to partners and giving right hands, cross over |
Repeat, with a new top couple. | |
Dance devised for Jan and Wil Werner who will be 75 and for Edwin Werner who will be 40 this year. The three of them were living on the address Guirlande 3. January 2015, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
AULD LANG SYNE TO ANNE (32 bar reel for 4 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st and 4th couples set. 1st couple cast off one place and 4th couple cast up one place. (2nd couple step up and 3rd couple step down on bars 3 - 4) |
5 - 8 | 1st and 4th couples dance half rights and lefts |
9 - 16 | 2nd and 3rd couples repeat bars 1-8 (All are on opposite side) |
17 - 20 | All dance half reels of four on the sides |
21 - 24 | All dance back to back |
25 - 26 | 1st couple set |
27 - 28 | 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across halfway round |
29 - 30 | 1st and 3rd couples dance left hands across halfway round |
31 - 32 | 1st and 4th couples dance right hands across halfway round |
Repeat, with a new top couple | |
Dance devised for Anne Goudriaan on her retirement after 17 years of teaching the Delft Branch of the RSCDS, September 2014, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
Milliner’s Farewell (40 bar reel for 4 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st couple turn with the right hand once round |
5 - 8 | 2nd and 1st couple dance down and round 3rd couple to the top (finish 2-1-3-4) |
9 - 12 | 1st couple turn with the right hand once round |
13 - 16 | 1st and 3rd couple dance up and cast off (finish 2-3-1-4) |
17 - 20 | All four couples advance and retire |
21 - 24 | 1st and 4th couple dance up and round 3rd couple (finish 2-3-4-1) |
25 - 32 | All four couples dance eight hands round and back |
33 - 40 | (Solo for the 1st couple Farewell) 1st couple dance behind own line to the top, meet and dance down to the bottom waving good-bye |
Dance devised for the farewell of Jayne and Mike Milliner by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, september 2009, The Hague. |
THE SILVER LAMBOURNE SQUARE (88 bar reel for 4 couples in a square set) | |
Bars | |
1 - 8 | All 4 couples dance eight hands round and back |
9 - 16 | All 4 couples promenade round to original places |
17 - 24 | 1st man and 3rd woman dance a figure of eight round 2nd couple, while 1st woman and 3rd man dance a figure of eight round 4th couple |
25 - 32 | 2nd man and 4th woman dance a figure of eight round 3rd couple, while 2nd woman and 4th man dance a figure of eight round 1st couple |
33 - 40 | 1st and 3rd couples dance half rights and lefts; they continue to dance half rights and lefts with 2nd and 4th couples as in grand chain |
41 - 48 | All 4 women dance right hands across half way round; they set to and turn partners once round. 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 33-40. All 4 men dance left hands across and repeat bars 41-48 |
49 - 56 | 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 33 - 40 |
57 - 64 | all 4 men dance left hands across and repeat bars 41 - 48 |
65 - 72 | All 4 women cast by the right and dance outside the set back to original places; dance in front and round partner’s place |
73 - 80 | All 4 men cast by the left and repeat bars 65-72 |
81 - 88 | All 4 couples dance eight hands round and back |
Dance devised for Margaret and John Lambourne on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, August 14, 2007 by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
HALF A CENTURY (32 bar reel for 4 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off to second place, 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4 |
5 - 8 | 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple |
9 - 16 | 1st couple dance reels of three on the opposite side with 3rd and 4th couple |
17 - 20 | 1st couple lead up to the top, cross over and cast off to second place |
21 - 24 | 2nd and 1st couples dance right hands across once round |
25 - 32 | 1st, 3rd and 4th couples poussette |
Repeat, with a new top couple. | |
Dance devised for Francien van Heuvel on the occasion of her 50th anniversary, October 25, 2006, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
JARIG JETJE (32 bar reel for 2 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st lady set advancing and turn 1st man right hand |
5 - 8 | 1st lady set to 2nd man and turn 2nd man left hand |
9 - 16 | 1st lady dances a figure of eight round 2nd couple (finish in original place) |
17 - 20 | 1st couple petronella and set (2nd couple move up) |
21 - 24 | 1st and 2nd couple circle to the left once round |
25 - 28 | 1st couple petronella to 2nd place on opposite side and set |
29 - 32 | 1st couple turn 1 1/2 time to own side |
Repeat, having passed couple. | |
Dance devised for Jetty Kooijman on the occasion of her 50th anniversary, October 29, 1997, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
AAD'S FAREWELL TO DELFT (64 bar reel in a square) | |
Bars | |
1 - 8 | All ladies advance [2], set turning [2], dance back to back with partner [4] |
9 - 16 | All couples turn partner halfway round to change places [2], and set [2], all men dance left hands across in the middle [4] (2nd and 4th men finish in original places, while 1st and 3rd men stay in the middle) |
17 - 24 | 1st and 3rd couples dance a right shoulder reel of four |
25 - 32 | 2nd and 4th couples, in promenade hold, dance round the set clockwise, back to original places |
33 - 40 | 1st and 3rd couples advance [2], give hands to the person opposite and set to 2nd and 4th couples [2], lead through them, divide and dance back to original places [4] |
41 - 48 | 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 33-40 |
49 - 56 | All men dance left hands across halfway, with the ladies on the outside [4], the ladies dance right hands across with the men on the outside, back to places [4] |
57 - 64 | All four couples dance eight hands round and back |
Dance devised for Aad Boode on the occasion of his departure to Dublin, July 1997, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague; to thank Aad for all he did for the Delft Branch during 28 years. |
VAN RIEL'S REEL (40 bar reel for 3 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st couple turn right hand |
5 - 8 | 1st couple dance half a figure of eight round 2nd couple |
9 - 16 | 1st couple dance mirror reels of three on the sides with 2nd and 3rd couples, dancing in and down (finish back to back in the middle, lady facing 2nd man, man facing 2nd lady) |
17 - 24 | 1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of four across the dance (finish facing 1st corner) |
25 - 28 | 1st couple dance half a diagonal reel of four with 1st corners (pass each other right shoulder to 2nd corner) |
29 - 32 | 1st couple dance half a diagonal reel of four with 2nd corners |
33 - 36 | 1st couple dance half a reel of three on the sides with left shoulder (1st man to 2nd man, 1st lady to 3rd lady) |
37 - 40 | 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples cross over and set |
Repeat, with a new top couple. | |
Dance devised for Peter and Marise van Riel on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, August 20, 1996, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
WHEN DANCERS MEET...! (48 bar reel for 4 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 4th couple turn right hand and cast up one place |
5 - 8 | 4th couple dance down between couple below and cast up round them; 3rd couple step down |
9 - 16 | 1st and 2nd couples and 4th and 3rd couples dance four hands across and back |
17 - 24 | Repeat bars 1-8 (round 2nd couple) |
25 - 32 | Mirror reels of four on the sides, (4th couple in 2nd place, and 3rd couple in 4th place dancing in and up, nearer hands joined) |
33 - 40 | Repeat bars 1-8 (round 1st couple) |
41 - 48 | All four couples dance eight hands round to the left and back |
Repeat, with a new bottom couple | |
Dance devised for Kaoru Masaki and Aad Boode, on the occasion of their wedding, October 21, 1995, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
LIFE BEGINS AT FIFTY (32 bar reel for 4 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st and 4th couples dance a petronella turn into the centre to face partners and set |
5 - 8 | 2nd and 3rd couples repeat, while 1st and 4th couples continue petronella to opposite side and set |
9 - 12 | 2nd and 3rd couples turn partners right hand 1/4 way round [2], and dance right hands across halfway round to opposite side [2] |
13 - 16 | 2nd and 3rd couples cross over left hand [2] and dance left hands across halfway round to opposite side [2] |
17 - 24 | All couples dance reels of four on the sides (2nd and 3rd couples passing right shoulder to finish) |
25 - 28 | 1st couple cast offon the opposite side to 4th place ( 2nd, 3rd and 4th couples step up on bars 27-28) |
28 - 32 | All couples set and cross over |
Repeat, with a new top couple. | |
Dance devised for Tom and Anja Wetemans on the occasion of their 50th anniversary April 2 and September 8, 1995, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. | |
LONG JOHN'S BIRTHDAY (32 bar reel for 4 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 8 | 1st and 4th couples cast [2] and set [2] while 2nd and 3rd couples set turning right about (back to back with partner) [2] and set to 1st and 4th couples [2] ( see fig.); 1st & 2nd couples and 3rd & 4th couples dance . reels of four across the dance [4] |
9 - 16 | All couples set across the dance [2], all couples (joining hands) set up and down the dance [2]; ladies and, at the same time, men dance left hands across once round [4] |
17 - 24 | 2nd and 3rd couples dance right hands across once round in the middle (finish in the side lines) [4] while 1st and 4th couples dance back to partner's place[2] and set [2]; all couples cross over right hands to own side [2] and set [2] |
25 - 32 | 1st couple lead down to 4th place in the centre [4]; turn. right 11 hands once round [2] and set [2] (2nd , 3rd and 4th couples step up on bars 27-28) |
Repeat, with a new top couple. | |
top | |
Dance devised for Jan Verburg, on the occasion of his 60' birthday on June 9, 1994, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
TOM AND ANJA'S SILVER WEDDING (40 bar strathspey for 3 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st couple turn right hand |
9 - 12 | 1st couple set to 2nd man [2], change hands and set to 3rd lady [2] |
13 - 16 | 1st couple, in promenade hold, dance a reel of three with 2nd man and 3rd lady, start by passing 3rd lady with right shoulder. They finish facing 2nd lady with nearer hands. |
17 - 20 | 1st couple set to 2nd lady [2], change hands and set to 3rd man [2] |
21 - 24 | 1st couple, in promenade hold, dance a ó reel of three with 2nd lady and 3rd man, start by passing 3rd man with left shoulder. They finish in 2nd place on own side |
25 - 32 | 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance six hands round and back. (2nd and 3rd couples finish in the middle facing up and down) |
33 - 36 | 2nd and 3rd couples dance half rights and lefts and finish in the side lines |
37 - 40 | All couples turn partner with right hand |
Repeat, having past a couple | |
Dance devised for Tom and Anja Wetemans, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary on February 8, 1994, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague, 1995. | |
WONDERFUL TIME IN THE WARENAR (32 bar reel for 3 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 8 | 1st couple lead down, on bar 4 cross the lady under man's arm to the opposite side and lead up to the top |
9 - 12 | 1st couple cast off behind second couple (on opposite side) and dance in between 3rd couple (finish in the middle facing down) |
13 - 14 | 1st lady turns 3rd man right hand half-way round, while 1st man turns 3rd lady left hand half-way round |
15 - 16 | 1st lady with 3rd man and 1st man with 3rd lady in promenade hold dance behind 2nd couple to top place, while second couple step down |
17 - 20 | 1st, 3rd and 2nd couples advance and retire |
21 - 24 | 1st couple turn 1 1/2 times to finish in the middle for allemande, while 2nd and 3rd lady turn 1 1/2 times right hand and 2nd and 3rd man turn 1 1/2 left hand to change places (2nd couple finish in teh middle) |
25 - 32 | 1st and 2nd couple dance the allemande |
Repeat, with a new top couple | |
Dance devised for Pauline Cathcart on the occasion of her departure to Argentina, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague, November 1990. | |
PAULINE CATHCART’S STRATHSPEY (32 bar strathspey for 3 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 8 | 1st couple turn right hand, cast off one place, while 2nd couple step up, turn left hand to finish facing 1st corner |
9 - 16 | 1st couple dance “corners pass and turn" (*) with 1st corners; repeat with 2nd corners and finish in 2nd place |
17 | 2nd couple (in top place) advance one step |
18 | 2nd couple retire one step while 1st couple advance one |
19 | 1st couple retire one step while 3rd couple advance one |
20 | 3rd couple retire one step |
21 - 24 | 2nd, 1st and 3rd couple cast (pulling right shoulder back) and continue six hands round to the left halfway |
25 - 30 | 1st couple cross right hand, then 2nd lady cross right hand with 3rd man, and 3rd lady cross right hand with 2nd man |
31- 32 | 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples all set |
Repeat, having passed a couple. | |
Dance devised for Pauline Cathcart on the occasion of her departure to Argentina, by Anne Miek Klokgieters, The Hague, November 1990. | |
(*) "Corners pass and turn": 1st couple change places with 1st corners (without giving hands) passing right shoulder [1], 1st couple dance round 1st corner’s place back into the middle and turn partner right hand to finish facing 2nd corners while 1st corners turn each other right hand once round and dance back to places [3]. 1st couple repeat previous 4 bars with 2nd corners. |
FORTY-FIVE YEARS TOGETHER (32 bar reel for 4 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st and 3rd couples advance into the middle (2 pas de basque), all join hands to make a line of four (right hand with partner) and set. 2nd and 4th couples step up on bars 3 - 4 |
5 - 8 | 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th couples dance right hands across once round |
9 - 10 | 1st man dance round 2nd woman and down, 3rd woman dance round 4th man and up, while 1st woman and 3rd man dance a ¾ turn with the left hand |
11 - 12 | 1st and 3rd couples join in a line across the dance and balance in line |
13 - 16 | 1st couple with 2nd and 4th women, and 3rd couple with 2nd and 4th men, dance right hands across once round |
17 - 18 | 3rd couple retire one step |
19 - 20 | 1st man and 3rd woman dance a ¾ turn with the left hand, while 1st woman dance round 4th woman and 3rd man dance round 2nd man to meet in the middle for a reel of four |
21 - 24 | 1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four down the middle of the set |
25 - 28 | 1st and 3rd couples turn partners with the right hand 1¼ times, 3rd couple finish in their own place |
29 - 32 | 1st couple lead to the top and cast off to the bottom |
Repeat, with a new top couple | |
Dance devised for Dick and Henny Mackay, on the occasion of their 45th wedding anniversary, May 11, 2007 by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
LILLIAN'S WEDDING (96 bar jig for 5 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 8 | 1st couple cast off behind their own lines, cross over below 4th couple passing RIGHT shoulders, then dance up behind 4th couple, pass in front of 3rd couple and behind 2nd couple |
9 - 12 | 1st couple dance down the middle (with nearer hands), on bar 1st lady dances under her partner's arm to own side (1st man dances below his partner, while she turns LEFT about under his arm) - while the other couples join both hands with partners to make arches |
13 - 16 | 1st couple dance up to the top under the arches, on bar 16 all drop hands and step back |
17 - 20 | 1st couple cast off two places (2nd, 1st and 3rd couples move up on bars 19 - 20) |
21 - 24 | 1st couple turn 1 1/4 times giving RIGHT hands to finish in the middle of the set - while the other couples turn partners giving RIGHT hands to finish in square formation (see fig.) |
25 - 28 | 1st lady with 5th couple and 1st man with 2nd couple set and dance RIGHT hands across halfway round |
29 - 32 | 5th and 2nd couples dance LEFT hands across once round |
33 - 36 | 1st lady with 5th couple and 1st man with 2nd couple set and dance RIGHT hands across halfway round |
37 - 40 | 1st couple turn each other 1 1/4 times giving LEFT hands |
41 - 56 | 1st lady with 3rd couple and 1st man with 4rd couple repeat bars 25 - 40, (finish 1st lady facing 2nd man and 1st man facing 5th man) |
57 - 64 | 1st couple with 2nd and 5th men dance a reel of four, at the end 1st couple pass RIGHT shoulder |
65 - 72 | 1st couple with 3rd and 4th men repeat bars 57 - 64 |
73 - 80 | 1st couple with 5th and 2nd ladies repeat bars 57 - 64 |
81 - 88 | 1st couple with 4th, and 3rd ladies repeat bars 57 - 64 |
89 - 96 | 1st couple turn each other with RIGHT elbow grip (Tulloch hold); then with LEFT elbow grip - while the others dance eight hands round to the left and back |
Dance devised for Lilian Tjepkema on the occasion of her wedding. March 30, 1993, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague. |
THE LADEBRAES JIG (96 bar jig in a square) | ||||||
Bars | ||||||
1 - 4 | All ladies dance a Petronella-turn one place to the right and set | |||||
5- 8 | All ladies repeat this movement and finish in opposite ladies' place and set (see fig. 1) | |||||
9 - 16 | All men repeat bars 1 - 8 | |||||
17 - 20 | 1st and 2nd couples dance rights and lefts halfway (no polite turn) | |||||
21 - 24 | continue to cast round their corners [2] and turn the person they meet with right hand [2], finish between the standing couples, who have moved away from their partners (see fig. 2) | |||||
25 - 32 | They dance a reel-of-four, start by giving right shoulder to corner, at the end couples 1 and 3 finish in their original places | |||||
33 - 40 | 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 17 - 24 (see fig. 3) | |||||
41 - 48 | 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 25 - 32 finish in original places | |||||
49 - 64 | Grand chain, start by giving right hand to partner and moving wide and out (2 bars per hand) | |||||
65 - 80 | 1st couple dances round to the left an slipsteps and picks-up 4th couple, continues round and picks-up 3rd couple, then 2nd couple and continue in a circle round back to original places, finish facing clockwise in couples (men on the outside and ladles on the inside) | |||||
81 - 88 | Promenade round, finish in original places | |||||
89 - 96 | Circle to the left and back, finish like in “The Bumpkin" | |||||
fig. 1 | fig 2 | fig.3 | ||||
top |
FAREWELL TO THE QUEEN (32 bar strathspey for 3 couples in a 4-couple set) | ||||||
Bars | ||||||
1 - 4 | 1st , 2nd and 3rd couples set and cross right hand | |||||
5- 8 | 1st , 2nd and 3rd couples chase clockwise halfway round | |||||
9 - 12 | 3rd and 2nd couples dance right hands across halfway and cross right hand | |||||
13 - 16 | 3rd and 1st couples repeat bars 9-12 | |||||
17 - 20 | 1st couple pass right shoulder to 1st corner position (2nd man and 3rd lady) and turn right hand | |||||
21 - 24 | Repeat bars 17-20 with 2nd corner position (2nd lady and 3rd man) | |||||
25 - 32 | 1st couple dance left shoulder reels of three on opposite sides (lady up, man down) and cross over right hand on bar 31-32 | |||||
This dance is devised by Anne-Miek Klokgieters in honor of the passing of Queen Elizabeth. Sept. 8th, 2022 |
Roses on the Hill (32 bar reel for 3 couples in a 4-couple set) | ||||||
Bars | ||||||
1 - 4 | 1st couple set and cast off one place (2nd couple step up on bars 3-4). | |||||
5- 8 | 1st couple pass left shoulder and cast round 1st corner into lines of three across. | |||||
9 - 16 | All set, 1st couple pass left shoulder and cast round 2nd corner to 2nd place, all set on the sides | |||||
17 - 24 | 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance diagonal rights and lefts | |||||
25 - 28 | 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples chase clockwise half-way round | |||||
29 - 32 | 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples turn partners with the right hand | |||||
Repeat having passed a couple | ||||||
Dance devised by Anne-Miek Klokgieters for Francien van Heuvel and Peter Roozendaal on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary November 4, 2023 |
The Golden Couple (96 bar reel for 4 couples in a square set) | ||||||
Bars | ||||||
1 - 8 | All 4 ladies cast by the right and dance outside the square half-way, dance in for right hands across half-way to original places | |||||
9 - 16 | All 4 men cast by the left and dance outside the square half-way, dance in for left hands across half-way to original places | |||||
17 - 24 | 1st and 3rd couples set to partner and turn right hand once round into lines of four between the corners and dance a half reel of four | |||||
25 - 32 | 1st and 3rd couples set to corners, dance out, cast to partner's place and set | |||||
33 - 40 | 2nd and 4th couples set to partner and turn right hand once round into lines of four between the corners and dance a half reel of four | |||||
41 - 48 | 2nd and 4th couples set to corners, dance out, cast round corner and set | |||||
49 - 56 | All 4 ladies cast by the right and dance outside the square half-way, dance in for right hands across half-way to original places | |||||
57 - 64 | All 4 men cast by the left and dance outside the square half-way, dance in for left hands across half-way to original places | |||||
65 - 72 | All set to partner and turn right hand. All 4 men dance right hands across half-way | |||||
73 - 80 | All set to new partner and turn left hand. All 4 ladies dance left hands across half-way | |||||
81 - 88 | All advance in a circle and set, all retire and set | |||||
89 - 96 | All dance eight hands round and back | |||||
Dance devised for Carla and Louis Brijer on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary Jannuary 18, 2024, by Anne-Miek Klokgieters |