Door de jaren heen zijn onderstaande dansen gemaakt door de leden van onze groep
Dansen gemaakt door Mary-Jane Gould
M 8x32 | 1988 | |
The Scots Brigade | R 8x32 | 1989 |
HALFWAY TO SILVER (32-bar Medley for four couples) | |
Bars | |
Strathspey | |
1 - 8 | All four couples dance eight hands round to the left and back again |
9 -16 | 1st and 2nd couples and 3rd and 4th couples dance all round poussette |
Reel | |
17 - 24 | 1st couple advance into the centre with 2 pas de basque, turn each other once round with both hands, then dance 4 slip steps down the middle and, changing to give right hand, turn once round to finish in the side lines (2nd, 3rd and 4th couples step up on bars 21 and 22) |
25 - 32 | All four couples advance 2 steps and retire 2 steps, then turn partners once round giving right hand |
Repeat, with a new top couple | |
Dance devised by Mary-Jane Gould, 1988 |
THE SCOTS BRIGADE (32 bar reel for 3 couples) | |
Bars | |
1 - 4 | 1st couple set and cast off two places (2nd couple move up on bars 3 - 4) |
5 - 6 | 1st couple, joining right hands, change sides ( 1st lady dances below her partner and under his right arm) |
7 - 8 | 1st couple, retaining right hands, lead up to 2nd place on opposite sides ofthe dance (1st man remains facing out) |
9 - 16 | 2nd and 1st couple dance a ladies' chain; 1st couple finish facing down |
17 - 24 | 2nd , 1st and 3rd couples dance a grand chain (2nd couple cross over right hand at the top and 1st and 3rd couples change places giving right hand to begin the chain), 1st couple finish dancing in to face their 1st corners |
25 - 32 | 1st couple set to 1st corners, set to each other across the dance, set to 2nd corners and dance a petronella turn into 2nd place on own sides |
Repeat, with a new top couple | |
Dance devised by Mary-Jane Gould, 1988 Music composed by Alastair Hunter |